Financial Pain Points for Orthopedic Surgeons – Tampa 2024

IEP FELLOWS AND YOUNG SURGEONS COURSE Kameron Helmuth, CFP®, CHFC®, & Brad Quick, CEPA® Abstract: Recently, some published literature has highlighted the lack of general financial training and resource for among attending surgeons1,2 , while at the same time other studies have highlighted the tie between burnout and financial stress3. The purpose of this study […]

How Gender Roles In The Hospital Can Negatively Impact Women Physicians Work and Pay

We’re celebrating Women’s History Month with special blog content curated just for Women Physicians! Today, we’re diving into how some gender roles can negatively impact women physicians through both work and pay. The healthcare industry landscape isn’t always equal, especially when looking through the lens of women and those belonging to minority groups in the […]

What Type Of Retirement Plan Is Best For Your Orthopedic Practice?

You’ve decided to open your orthopedic practice—Congratulations! While building your patient base, hiring the right people, and practicing what you love, we believe keeping an eye on your (and your employee’s) future is essential. One potential way to do that is with the right retirement plan.  Today we’ll review several popular retirement plan options and […]

Time or Money-Weighted Returns, Is One Better Than The Other?

When you look at your investments, you’re likely only seeing if you made or lost money. That high-level snapshot isn’t comprehensive enough to determine how well your assets are really doing, if you’re on track, if you need to make changes, etc.   Is there a more accurate way to depict your portfolio’s performance long-term? Yes! […]

5 Keys That Can Make or Break Your Money As A New Doctor

New doctors have a lot on their plates, from landing a killer first job to building a new routine to starting to repay the mountain of student debt on their shoulders.  The first few years after residency or fellowship can set the tone for your financial future, and we want to help you make the […]

Why Fear Can Harm Your Finances (And How To Overcome It)

Fight or flight? As physicians, you’ve likely been grappling with this response for months, and it illuminates the powerful role emotions play in finances. While emotions play a positive role in curating your values, goals, and aspirations, they can also lead you to make choices that don’t align with your plan, especially when done out […]

3 Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship With Money

Too often money is considered the end-all-be-all as if it’s the centerpiece of life and sole barometer of success. Many doctors live to work and spend all of their time chasing and making money that they forget to live their lives.  We want to help physicians write a different story. Money is an incredible tool […]

How Physicians Can Take Control Of Their Finances Post-Election

Nearly every election cycle, physicians concern themselves over market trends and future projections. These fears are particularly strong this year amidst social tensions and the economic and health impacts of the coronavirus looming in the background. Our goal is to come alongside you, listen to your concerns, and work together to further your ultimate financial […]

Vestia’s Mission to Help You Build Wealth and Prioritize Your Life

Doctors are not all built alike. There is a myriad of specialists from anesthesiologists to cardiologists to gastroenterologists to dermatologists and so many more. Patients don’t expect the same type of care from an orthopedic surgeon as they would from their family physician. Instead, they seek the doctor who specializes in their unique needs and […]