Serving Physicians and Their Families


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Prescribing financial prosperity and peace of mind since 2017.

Navigating the financial landscape as a physician can be intricate and time consuming. That’s where our expertise comes in. We understand the challenges and opportunities that physicians face in managing their finances. 

From tackling student loan debt to optimizing practice revenue, we specialize in alleviating the financial pain points that are unique to you. Our team is dedicated to crafting holistic financial plans that address current concerns and pave the way for a brighter future. Partner with us, and let’s prescribe a tailored financial strategy that ensures your financial health is as robust as your medical expertise.

You Deserve A Team That Gets It

Contract and Compensation Negotiation

Your most significant compensation increases tend to happen when you make moves in your career. We’ll help you maximize your compensation, organize contracts, and more.

Creating a Cash Flow Plan

You don’t need a restrictive budget. You need a partner who can help you evaluate cash flow coming in, and optimize where it’s flowing to.

Risk Management Coverage from Head to Toe – And Beyond

From insurance to estate planning questions, we’re here to help you work and live with confidence – knowing that you (and your family) are protected.

Knowing the Value of Your Time

Time is perhaps one of the most valuable assets you have. One way to optimize your time is to outsource your financial life to a trusted professional.

Don’t Miss Our Resources

We’re here to help – and our blogs, podcast episodes, and videos are a fantastic place to start your journey toward financial health.

Navigating the intricacies of tax brackets can be challenging, especially for high-income physicians. In this blog post, we’ll demystify how tax brackets work, provide insights into tax planning strategies, and [...]

There have been some important changes over the past few weeks regarding Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), and the advisors at Vestia here to help you navigate them smoothly! As [...]

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