Financial Pain Points for Orthopedic Surgeons – Tampa 2024

IEP FELLOWS AND YOUNG SURGEONS COURSE Kameron Helmuth, CFP®, CHFC®, & Brad Quick, CEPA® Abstract: Recently, some published literature has highlighted the lack of general financial training and resource for among attending surgeons1,2 , while at the same time other studies have highlighted the tie between burnout and financial stress3. The purpose of this study […]

How Doctors Can Start Taking Advantage Of Their HSAs Today

A Health savings account (HSA) can be a powerful tool for long-term health savings and can even help you save for medical costs in retirement, which may come in handy down the line. A Fidelity study found that a 65-year-old couple retiring in 2022 would spend about $315,000 (after-tax dollars) on medical costs alone. An […]

Time or Money-Weighted Returns, Is One Better Than The Other?

When you look at your investments, you’re likely only seeing if you made or lost money. That high-level snapshot isn’t comprehensive enough to determine how well your assets are really doing, if you’re on track, if you need to make changes, etc.   Is there a more accurate way to depict your portfolio’s performance long-term? Yes! […]

Do Bonds Still Make Sense for Doctors? (And 4 Alternative Options)

When it comes to investing, stocks often get the attention, but there is another type of asset class that may work well for your portfolio: bonds.  Bonds tend to be more elusive than stocks because they often stay out of the headlines unless there’s a big swell or drop in interest rates. The current interest […]

Should Doctors Save More or Work Longer?

Like everyone else, physicians often wonder whether or not their retirement is on track. It’s all about building a strong foundation from the beginning — and there’s no time like the present to prepare for your future. When it comes to working toward retirement, we’re often asked, is working longer or saving more better? The […]

How To Make The Best Tax Choices (Even Now)

Elections bring about a lot of uncertainty, and this one is no different. Right now, the big question for high-income physicians is, how will the election results impact my taxes?  With Joe Biden winning the presidential race, we can likely expect some tax changes over the next couple of years.  It’s important to remember that […]

4 Effective Ways To Put Your Cash To Work

Given current market conditions, many doctors may find themselves sitting on more cash than usual and fear the risk of reentering the markets. The right level of cash is important to protect you and support your goals, but too much cash can actually weigh you down. You want your money to work hard for you, […]